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Honeywell TDC3000

Date:2017-11-6     Hits:9727

Honeywell TDC 3000

Shanghai Wanchang Controls provides high quality recycled and surplus Honeywell TDC 3000 parts. For information or to check pricing and availability, call or write with your requirements.

Stocking Surplus Honeywell TDC 3000 Parts

Quality Recycled, Surplus, and New Parts for Honeywell DCS Systems
Current Parts Inventory Includes:
TDC 3000
TDC 2000
TPS System
LCN Processors & LCNP4 Boards
Advanced Process Manager - APM
Process Manager - PM
High Performance Process Manager - HPM
Network Interface Module - NIM
Hiway Gateways - HG
Advanced Multifunction Controller - AMC
IOP's and FTA's
Universal Station Parts

LCN Processors
Part Number Second Gen. Third Gen. Description
51401288-100 HPK2 Processor
51401288-200 HPK2-3 Processor
51401551-200 51401551-201 51402615-200 K2LCN-2
51401551-300 51401551-301 K2LCN-3
51401551-400 5142615-400 K2LCN-4
51401551-600 K2LCN-6
51401551-800 51402615-800 K2LCN-8
51401946-100 K4LCN Processor Motherboard
51201645-400 K4LCN-4 4MW Mezzanine Memory
51201645-800 K4LCN-8 8MW Mezzanine Memory
51201759-160 K4LCN-16 16MW Mezzanine
  51402755-100 K4LCN K4SS Motherboard
  51201795-400 K4SS-4MW Mezzanine Memory
  51201795-800 K4SS-8MW Mezzanine Memory
  51201793-160 K4SS-16MW Mezzanine Memory
  51403519-160 K4SDR K4LCN-16 16MW
  MP-ZPSC16-100 K4SDR-16 Upgrade Kit
  MP-ZKSDR5-100 K4SDR-16 Upgrade Kit (5)
LCN Extender
Part Number Description
51108899-100 LCNFL Paddle Board
51109881-100 LCNE Paddle Board
51304540-100 LCNE2 Paddle Board non-CE
51304540-200 LCNE2 Paddle board CE
51305508-100 XLCNE2 non-CE
51305508-200 XLCNE2 CE
LCN Nodes
Part Number Description
51304159-100 AM Redundancy I/O Board
51305072-100 CLCN A/B I/O Board CE
51305072-200 CLCN A I/O Board CE
51305072-300 CLCN B I/O Board CE
51305072-400 CLCN A/B I/O Board
51305072-500 CLCN A I/O Board
51305072-600 CLCNB I/O Board
51305072-700 CLCN A/B I/O Board
51305072-800 CLCN A I/O Board Short CE
51305072-900 CLCN B I/O Board Short CE
80360206-001 Computer Gateway CLI Board
51401052-100 History Module SPC Board
51304907-100 History Module SPC-II Board
51304907-200 SPC-II
51400997-100 PLC Gateway PLCI Board
51400997-200 PLC Gateway EPLCI Board
51401088-100 Plant Network Module CNI Computer Gateway
51402083-100 AxM WSI2 64 MHz
51402083-200 AxM WSI2 100 MHz
51403698-100 Single Board History Module SBHM TP-ZSBHM1-100
51401996-100 EAMR
51306409-100 UCLM CCP
51306409-200 UCIM
TPS System Processors (LCNP4)
Part Number Description
51402797-200 LCNP w/ card guide
51305430-100 LCNP4 Board
51403282-100 LCNP4 w/o card guide
51403282-200 LCNP4 w/ card guide
51403299-100 LCNP4 w/o card guide
51403299-200 LCNP4G w/ card guide
51403299-300 LCNP4 TPNB Bridge
51403299-400 LCNP4 TPNB Bridge with frame
51403299-500 LCNP4 w/o frame
51403299-600 LCNP4 TPNB Bridge without frame
51305517-100 LCNP4 Board
51403776-100 LCNP4M Board
51305378-100 IKB12 Board
51305348-100 MAU LAN Interface
51198718-907 SCSI CTL, 29160N Card
51196694-300 GUS Station IKB Keyboard with trackball
51405098-100 LCNP4e
51403916 ROCLM
Advanced Process Manager APM
Part Number Description
51303979-500 Advanced I/O Link I/F
51303979-550 Advanced I/O Link I/F (CC)
51304493-100 APM Modem
51304493-200 APM Modem Card
51304493-250 APM Modem Card
51304518-100 APM Control Module
51304518-150 APM Control Module (CC)
51304685-100 Advanced Comm. APM R400
51304685-150 Advanced Comm. R400 (CC)
51304685-200 PM Comm. Mod. R210M1.1-R300
51304685-250 Advanced Comm. R300
Process Manager PM
Part Number Description
51303976-300 PM Comm. Card
51303976-400 PM Comm. Card
51303979-200 PM I/O Link Ext. R210
51303979-400 PM I/O Link I/F
51303982-200 PM Control Card
51303982-400 PM Control Card R300
51304163-300 PM Modem
51304501-100 PMM Redundancy Module
51304163-100 PM Modem
51304163-200 PM Modem
High Performance Process Manager HPM
Part Number Description
51309276-150 HPM I/O Link Module
51401635-150 HPM Comm. Control Module
51403422-150 HPM Comm Control Module
51403988-150 HPM Comm Control Module
51402573-150 HPM UCN I/F Module
51401642-150 HPM I/O Link
51454192-150 EHPM
Network Interface Module NIM
Part Number Description
51303944-100 PNI Paddlecard
51303947-100 PNM Paddlecard
51304511-100 NIM Modem
51304511-200 NIM Modem (CE)
51400955-100 PNI
51401163-100 PMN for NIM
51401583-100 EPNI Board
51305896-100 NIM Modem
620-0071 Logic Manager Module
IOP's - Input Output Processors
Part Number Model Number Description
51304754-100 MU-PAIH03 HLAI IOP 16 Channel CE
51304754-150 MC-PAIH03 HLAI IOP 16 Channel CE CC
51309152-175 MC-PAOX33 AO IOP 8 Channel CC CE
80363969-150 MC-PAOY22 AO IOP 16 Channel CC CE
51304481-100 MU-PAIL02 LLAI IOP CE
51304481-150 MC-PAIL02 LLAI IOP CE CC
51304362-100 MU-PLAM02 LLMux IOP CE (32)
51304362-150 MC-PLAM02 LLMux IOP CE CC (32)
51304362-200 MU-PSDX02 LLAI MUX SDI IOP CE (2-Channel)
51304362-300 MU-PSIM11 LLAI MUX SI IOP
51304362-350 MC-PSIM11 LLAI MUX SI IOP CC CE
51304386-100 MU-PPIX02 Pulse Input IOP
51304386-150 MC-PPIX02 Pulse Input IOP CC
51304516-100 MU-PSTX02 STI IOP CE (16)
51304516-150 MC-PSTX02 STI IOP CE CC (16)
51304516-200 MU-PSTX03 STIM IOP CE (multi-variable)
51304516-250 MC-PSTX03 STIM IOP CE CC (multi-variable)
51304485-100 MU-PDIX02 DI IOP 32 Channel
51304485-150 MC-PDIX02 DI IOP CC CE
80363972-100 MU-PDIY22 DI IOP 24VDC CE
80363972-150 MC-PDIY22 DI IOP 24VDC CC CE
51402625-175 MC-PDIS12 DI SOE Digital Input IOP CC CE
51304487-100 MU-PDOX02 DO IOP 16 Channel CE
51304487-150 MC-PDOX02 DO IOP 16 Channel CC CE
80363975-100 MU-PDOY22 DO IOP 32 Channel CE
80363975-150 MC-PDOY22 DO IOP 32 Channel CC CE
51195651-200 Modbus Module
US Universal Stations & UxS
51401286-100 EPDG
51402447-100 EPDGC I/O Classic Console
51402447-200 EPDGC I/O Z-Console
51402089-100 EPDG2
51402645-200 TPDGX
FTA Field Termination Assemblies
51304453-150 MC-TAIH02 HLAI/STI FTA 16 Inputs CC CE Compression Terminals
51304337-150 MC-TAIH12 HLAI/STI FTA 16 Inputs CC CE Red.
42622268-002 HLAI Hart FTA
51304476-175 MC-TAOX02 Analog Output FTA 8 Outputs CC CE Comp
51304335-175 MC-TAOX12 Analog Output FTA 8 Outputs CC CE Red.
51309542-175 MC-THAO11 Analog Output FTA 16 Outputs HART FTA CC
51304441-175 MC-TDID12 Digital Input FTA 32 Channels 24V CC
51204160-175 MC-TDIY22 Digital Input FTA 32 Channels 24V Comp. CC
51204154-175 MC-TDIY62 Digital Input FTA 32 Channels 24V Screw Terminals CC
51204162-175 MC-TDOY22 Digital Output FTA 24V 32 Channels Comp. Terminals CC
51204164-175 MC-TDOY63 Digital Output FTA Relay 16 Channels CC
51204156-175 MC-TDOY62 Digital Output FTA 24V 32 Channels Screw Term. CC
51309218-175 MC-TAMR03 Low Level Analog Input Multiplexer RTD FTA 16 Inputs
51309223-175 MC-TAMT03 Low Level Analog Input Multiplexer TC FTA 16 Inputs
Chassis & Power Supplies
51402455-100 Dual Node Card File DNCF
51196655-100 DNCF Power Supply
51401497-100 DNCF Power Supply
51195066-100 5-Slot Chassis Power Supply
51195066-200 5-Slot Chassis Power Supply CE
51196653-100 5-Slot Chassis Power Supply

51198947-100 HPM Power Supply

Just ask! Shanghai Wanchang can provide many other hard-to-find Honeywell TDC2000 & TDC3000 parts at a considerable savings over the manufacturer's prices. Email your parts requirements and you will quickly receive a response with a quotation with the Best Prices in the world on Honeywell TDC parts.

Shanghai Wanchang is concerned with the satisfaction of their clients. Customer satisfaction is not just a statement, but the guiding principle of the business.

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